Sentence Classifier with BERT
This post will build on the baselines from the previously tested simple classifier methods, with the same objectives of classifying accountability from excerpts of news articles.
BERT Classification Method
BERT, “Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers” is an open-source model developed by Google in 2018. It is a bi-directional transformer based model that has achieved state-of-the-art results on numerous natural language processing (NLP) tasks. This model is pre-trained on unsupervised tasks including language modeling (next word prediction), and next sentence prediction. Pre-training in an unsupervised way is very useful to encode meaning into the model that could not come from labelled data alone - the vast majority of existing text data is unlabelled. This pre-training allows downstream supervised tasks, such as text classification, to take advantage of all the information present in the vast amounts of unlabelled text data. The output model can be fined tuned with training data for a wide variety of task by adding one additional output layer.
The first step before applying BERT is pre-processing of the text into tokens. Pre-processing is a very important step, and BERT requires a unique method of pre-processing call BPE based word tokenization. This approach splits up words into subwords and the word is then represented by a group of subwords, which is particularly useful to handle out-of-vocabulary terms. Representations of context is then learned for these subwords.
Sentence Classifier Objectives
The objective is to be able to detect sentences about accountability from within a news article. The simplest approach to take for this would be to have a classifier that can operate sentence by sentence and output the classification of accountability or not. This approach can not be trained and tested given the existing dataset is in the form of excerpts ranging from 1-60 sentences in length. This dataset of excerpts has been transformed into single labelled sentences, and the previously tested simple classifiers will be re-tested on this new version of the dataset.
There are three versions of the data being tested:
- The original excerpts: The original full length labelled excerpts were tested directly as is in the BERT classifier. Note since some are quite long, they would be truncated for use in BERT, the BERT model can only take in sequence lenghts of up to 128 tokens.
- The excerpts that were only one sentence in length: There are about 6000 of these, which will be enough to make up a dataset of around 5000 for training and 1000 for testing. This should normally be sufficient, however due to the class imbalance of roughly 1:10 for accountability to non-accountability, the resulting test set will have only around 100 examples labelled with accountability.
- The excerpts of less than five sentences. These excerpts were processed into the form of individually labelled sentences, where each sentence was given the label of the original excerpt. This produces a much larger dataset, of around 34000 sentences in total. This will result in a much larger test set of around 9000, and this would allow around 1000 samples in the test set to have the accountability label. This is a much larger test set, however this approach has introduced noise into the given labels, because some of the sentences now labelled as accountability may not actually clearly be about accountability, since it may have been a different sentence in the excerpt that was making the statement about accountability.
Experimentation with the Original excerpts
There were a series of simple experiments run to test BERT classifier on the original dataset of excerpts. The experiments objectives were to figure out the following:
- How to reduce over-fitting
- How many epochs should be run
- Does the full network need to be re-trained
- How much variance is there in the performance measures based on the test/train split.
- What combination of settings to run this classifier give the best results
The findings from each of these experiments will be explained in the following sections.
Experiment with Random State in Test/Train Split
These preliminary experiments involved running the code a few times with different random states in the test/train split. This was to get an idea how much the performance measures would vary just because of the way the data was split into the test and train set.
The findings were:
random state = 0
{'auc': 0.8620361, 'eval_accuracy': 0.9392, 'f1_score': 0.77457625, 'false_negatives': 148.0, 'false_positives': 118.0, 'global_step': 1640, 'loss': 0.21235444, 'precision': 0.7947826, 'recall': 0.7553719, 'true_negatives': 3652.0, 'true_positives': 457.0}
random state = 42
test = {'auc': 0.8757505, 'eval_accuracy': 0.9472, 'false_negatives': 130.0, 'false_positives': 101.0, 'global_step': 1640, 'loss': 0.20042753, 'precision': 0.81867146, 'recall': 0.778157, 'true_negatives': 3688.0, 'true_positives': 456.0}
These results show that for example, false negative and false positives can vary by as much as 20 test instances each just based on a change in the test/train split. This translated to a change of 0.03 in precision and 0.02 in recall.
Note, cross-validation could be used for more rigorous testing, but this could come at a cost of time. So, just keeping in mind, this amount of variability in the performance measures should be enough to correctly interpret future experimental results.
Experiment with regularization
The first observation noticed from running BERT classifier is that the performance measures on the training set is close to 100%, while on the test set it is quite low, around 0.6. This could be an indication of over-fitting. I tried various methods to improve this. The main method to try was experimenting with the dropout rate.
The drop out rate reduces the complexity of a neural net models, and therefore prevents over fitting. Drop out works by randomly removing network connections during the training. The higher the rate, the more the network is being generalized. In the BERT classifier, there is a setting called the Keep_rate, and this setting can be used to control how many nodes are preserved. IN this case, a keep rate close to 1 means very little regularization, while a keep rate close to 0.5 means around 50% of the nodes could be dropped.
Theoretically increasing the amount of regularization should increase the performance on the test set and decrease the performance on the training set until the two performance measures become closer together.
The results observed are shown in the chart below, with each performance measure indicating precision/recall.
Dropout keep rate | Test Performance | Train Performance |
1 | 0.82/0.77 | 0.96/0.97 |
0.9 | 0.82/0.78 | 0.96/0.97 |
0.8 | 0.80/0.77 | 0.96/0.97 |
0.6 | 0.80/0.77 | 0.96/0.97 |
0.4 | 0.82/0.76 | 0.96/0.97 |
The dropout value was changed a significant amount, however the changes in performance of both test and train were negligeable consider the variance of +/-0.3 possible in the performance measures (shown in the previous section).
While drop out it known to be the most appropriate regularization for this application, another regularization method called L2 regularization was also tested by adding L2 to the loss function in training the classifier, and in this case the performance was also not improved.
Experiment with number of epochs
The experiments with number of epochs tested epochs: 1, 2, 3, 6 and 10. It was found that at epoch 3, the train set reaches close to 100% performance, and so continuing to train past that point would just increase the overfitting. Training for only 1 or 2 epochs was shown to hinder the test performance slightly, so 3 epochs was chosen as the right number of epochs to train for.
Experiment with re-training the full network
There is a setting called “trainable” when training the pre-trained BERT model. Sometimes, the vectors output by BERT should be used as is, and not be modified during the fine-tuning. Sometimes the fine-tuning can just be done on the final added on layers of BERT to customize it to a specific task or dataset. In the case of sentence classification, trainable should be set to True, and this was tested. This setting creates the most significant decrease in performance out of any other setting. This is due to the nature of the way BERT is used as a sentence classifier. The sentence representation must be trained given your domain specific dataset, and each sentence is represented by a pooled output component of the BERT outputs.
Best Results
The best results were achieved from the 0.9 setting for drop out, no L2, and running for 3 epochs, however there was not a very significant difference between results based on the performance measures. These values were also selected as the final choice of values, do to explanations of good settings from reviewing the literature.
Repeat Testing on Sentence excerpts
Using the same settings as was used to get the previous best results, BERT was re-run on the two labelled sentences datasets. The performance dropped significantly for both from the performance on the full excerpts. The results are significantly better than the simple classifiers though. The results for both versions of the sentence data set is shown below.
Single sentences
Test Results:
True Label = 1 | True Label = 0 | |
Predicted Label = 1 | 51 | 14 |
Predicted Label = 0 | 44 | 1037 |
Tested on Train Data Results:
True Label = 1 | True Label = 0 | |
Predicted Label = 1 | 330 | 16 |
Predicted Label = 0 | 21 | 4217 |
Short Excerpts of Less than 5 Sentences
Test Results:
True Label = 1 | True Label = 0 | |
Predicted Label = 1 | 613 | 227 |
Predicted Label = 0 | 347 | 5668 |
Tested on Train Data Results:
True Label = 1 | True Label = 0 | |
Predicted Label = 1 | 3447 | 238 |
Predicted Label = 0 | 227 | 23507 |
Summary of Precision and Recall on Test Data
Precision | Recall | |
Single Sentences | 0.78 | 0.54 |
Short Excerpts as sentences | 0.73 | 0.64 |
Full Excerpts | 0.81 | 0.78 |
Discussion and Conclusions
- Overfitting: The results so far show that over-fitting is present for all data-sets, and no methods of regularization tried so far was able to make an improvement on this.
- Single Sentence vs Short excerpts: The single sentences performance was quite a bit worse on recall than the short excerpts, but comparable in precision.
- Sentence Based vs Full excerpts: The full excerpts performance was significantly better in both precision and recall than the sentence based methods. This is an unexpected result, because BERT typically performs better on sequences of shorter length. The decrease in performance is most likely due to features being more difficult to classify in single sentence based on the given labels - and this could e due to more errors introduced into the labels. Another reason could be that fundamentally the meaning associated with accountability must be captured by more than one sentence, which is a harder issue to address.
- BERT vs Simple classifiers: The performance of BERT was a significant 0.1 higher than the performance in the simple baseline classifiers across most performance metrics. Most significant was the improvement in comparing the classification on the full excerpts. In comparing the sentence based classifiers, the simple models actually performed quite well on recall, though the precision was greatly decreased. Overall the average of these scores will be about 0.1 higher with BERT, which is a significant improvement.
- Classifier Results vs Human Error: The upper bound on performance achievable of the classifiers is the level of human error in the generated labels. The inter-annotator agreements between the 10 annotators range between 0.66-0.86, so the results of the BERT classifier are within this range, with the BERT classifier on the full excerpts close to the top of this range. This indicates that actually given the difficulty of the task, the performance of these classifiers is not bad.
Future Improvements
The biggest challenges in training this classifier is likely the noisy labels introduced in the sentence based classifier, and the class imbalance. Some approaches to address these issues in the future are shown in the following list.
- Using Multi-class classification: the original dataset actually contains many different of labels, and so it could be used for multi-class classification. This would resolve the issue of class imbalance, since most of those classes are roughly evenly balanced, and so there would be no large skew towards one particular class due to class imbalance. Switching to multi-class classification could also improve the issue of asymmetrically noisy labels for the sentence classifier. In switching to sentence based labelled data, the noise would be introduced uniformly for all classes, instead of asymmetrically just into the accountability class. This could results in less performance decrease due to this issue. Bert can be fairly easily adjusted to the multi-class classification task, so this is a promising approach to investigate for this method.
- Adjusting loss function for class imbalance: adjusting the loss function, as was done previously in the simple classifiers is another method that could be used to address the class imbalance.
- Sample for class Imbalance: over or under-sampling methods can also be used to offset the class imbalance
- Noise filter for noisy labels: noise filters can be applied to assess the levels of label noise in the data, and possibly reducing the label noise could lead to improvement in performance of the classifier.